Healthy Aging Month: How to Keep Your Eyes In Top Shape All Year Long

September marks healthy aging month, and what better way to care for your health than to keep your eyes healthy as you age? Our eyes are one of our most powerful senses and protecting them is of our utmost importance and care at Shanbom Eye Specialists

Odds are you, or someone you love, is in need of eye care- whether it be a routine check up or a test for glaucoma or cataracts. Interestingly, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, more than 150 million Americans use corrective eyewear to compensate for bad vision. This could be you, so let’s visit a few ways you can keep your eyes healthy all year long: 

Routine Eye Exams

As important as our eyesight is to our lives, people tend to put a pretty small emphasis on their care. In order to keep your eyes in top shape, it’s essential to attend routine comprehensive eye exams, which we offer at Shanbom Eye Specialists! 

We recommend that you come about every 2-3 years for an eye exam if you are young with few risk factors. However, it is recommended for patients aged 50+, those who are diabetic, at risk for eye diseases, or have health problems such as autoimmune disorders to come annually. 

As you get older, eye conditions like glaucoma and cataracts become more and more common, resulting in more visits. Don’t fear – Shanbom Eye Specialists are well trained to provide wonderful care and administer tests required within your routine check up.


Glaucoma is an eye condition primarily present in older age groups. It can be caused by increased pressure from the fluid inside the eye. This pressure can cause damage to the optic nerve, resulting in vision loss. 

In fact, in the early stages of the disease, there may be no symptoms, making it feel fast acting once they arrive. Experts estimate that half of the people affected by glaucoma may not know they have it.

Fortunately, at Shanbom Eye Specialists, we offer glaucoma tests in your routine eye exam. This test measures the pressure inside of your eyes. Your doctor will numb your eyes and use a special device that touches your eye briefly. 


Cataracts usually develop as part of the aging process. They are, in summary, a clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye, making vision appear blurry. 

For some cataracts, those with minimal blurriness, treatment may not be required. However, if treatment is required, cataract surgery is the only solution to improve vision. At Shanbom Eye Specialists, we can help detect cataracts with a simple test conducted during your annual comprehensive eye exam. 

This test is known as a Slit Lamp Exam, which ultimately allows your doctor to get a close look at your cornea, eyelids, conjunctiva, iris, and lens. 

You may even be a candidate for advanced laser cataract surgery which can correct astigmatism and reading vision greatly reducing your need for glasses.

No matter what your eyes may be facing, we are here for you. Care for your health? Then, care for your eyes. Call us today to schedule an appointment or discuss difficulties you may be facing with your vision. As always, Happy Healthy Aging!